Release Notes

1.3.0 (2022-12-12)


  • Sort bulk update objects [Wesley Kendall, f766617]

    Objects passed to pgbulk.update are now sorted to reduce the likelihood of a deadlock when executed concurrently.


  • Updated with latest Python template [Wesley Kendall, 9652cd2]

  • Updated with latest Django template [Wesley Kendall, 6ef27e6]

1.2.6 (2022-08-26)


  • Test against Django 4.1 and other CI improvements [Wes Kendall, 9eedff4]

1.2.5 (2022-08-24)


  • Fix ReadTheDocs builds [Wes Kendall, 15832a5]

1.2.4 (2022-08-20)


  • Updated with latest Django template [Wes Kendall, 4e9e095]

1.2.3 (2022-08-20)


  • Fix release note rendering and code formatting changes [Wes Kendall, 94f1192]

1.2.2 (2022-08-17)


  • README and intro documentation fix [Wes Kendall, e75930e]

1.2.1 (2022-07-31)


  • Updated with latest Django template, fixing doc builds [Wes Kendall, c3ed424]

1.2.0 (2022-03-14)


  • Handle func-based fields and allow expressions in upserts [Wes Kendall, 64458c5]

    pgbulk.upsert allows users to provide a pgbulk.UpdateField object to the update_fields argument, allowing a users to specify an expression that happens if an update occurs.

    This allows, for example, a user to do models.F('my_field') + 1 and increment integer fields in a pgbulk.upsert.

    Along with this, fields that cast to Func and other expressions are properly handled during upsert.

1.1.1 (2022-03-14)


  • Updates to latest template, dropping py3.6 support and adding Django4 support [Wes Kendall, 35a04b0]

1.1.0 (2022-01-08)


  • Fix error when upserting custom AutoFields [Wes Kendall, 114eb45]

    upsert() previously errored when using a custom auto-incrementing field. This has been tested and fixed.

1.0.2 (2021-06-06)


  • Updated with the latest Django template [Wes Kendall, 71a2678]

1.0.1 (2020-06-29)


  • Update with the latest public django app template. [Wes Kendall, 271b456]

1.0.0 (2020-06-27)


  • Initial release of django-pgbulk. [Wes Kendall, 7070a26]

    The initial release of django-pgbulk includes three functions for bulk operations in postgres:

    1. pgbulk.update - For updating a list of models in bulk. Although Django provides a bulk_update in 2.2, it performs individual updates for every row and does not perform a native bulk update.

    2. pgbulk.upsert - For doing a bulk update or insert. This function uses postgres UPDATE ON CONFLICT syntax to perform an atomic upsert operation. There are several options to this function that allow the user to avoid touching rows if they result in a duplicate update, along with returning which rows were updated, created, or untouched.

    3. pgbulk.sync - For syncing a list of models with a table. Does a bulk upsert and also deletes any rows in the source queryset that were not part of the input data.